Friday, July 22, 2011

Just curious. do you think my cousin and i should be together?

i was raised in an orphanage along with my older twin brother, and we didn't know our parents for many years. eventually after being adopted at age 14, we met a blood relative on our mother's side. our cousin, Eve. we both developed a crush on her soon afterward, but i was the one that asked her out first. she agreed to the date, and we grew to be very close, possibly in love. my brother and i are now 16, and she's 17. she and i are still together, but we haven't had sex, or even hit second base yet. kissing is about as far as we've went, though we've considered the possibility of getting married one day(cousin marriage is legal in our state. and yes, some states allow cousin marriage in the US. go google it). we've also decided to adopted if we ever wanted kids, so we don't have to worry about deformed babies. so if we're truly in love, get married legally, and don't inbreed, isn't it fine for us to be together? i don't see anything wrong with it, do you?

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